Powerful builder of interaction model


visit: https://voxaai.github.io/voxa-cli/

The perfect toolkit for your Voxa app.

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Install it in your Voxa app

$ yarn add voxa-cli

Getting started

voxa-cli allows you to create a new voxa project or generate the interaction model needed in your alexa, dialogflow project.

$ voxa create

With the Voxa-cli create command you can scaffold a full Voxa project ready to get started to code your voice app for Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Telegram and Facebook Messenger.

You can also create interaction model and publishing information for your Alexa skills. Voxa-cli supports many sources like google spreadsheet, office 365, local .xlsx, .ods, .fods files to manage your interaction model information and publishing information.

How to generate a Voxa project

As simple as:

$ npx voxa create

You’ll be prompt to answer several question like:

Once done you’ll be ready to start working on your next voice app.

Having trouble using npx voxa create?

We noticed that on Windows using npx voxa create sometimes results on undesired output. You can use npx voxa-cli create as a workaround. We haven’t found that issue on MacOS and Linux yet.

$ voxa interaction

How to connect with Google Spreadsheet

To programmatically access your spreadsheet, you’ll need to create a service account and OAuth2 credentials from the Google API Console. If you’ve been burned by OAuth2 before, don’t worry; service accounts are way easier to use.

Follow along with the steps and GIF below. You’ll be in and out of the console in 60 seconds.

Go to the Google APIs Console. Create a new project. Click Enable API. Search for and enable the Google Drive API and Google Sheet API. Create credentials for a Web Server to access Application Data. Name the service account and grant it a Project Role of Editor. Download the JSON file. Copy the JSON file to your code directory and rename it to client_secret.json

alt text

There is one last required step to authorize your app, and it’s easy to miss!

Find the client_email inside client_secret.json. Back in your spreadsheet, click the Share button in the top right, and paste the client email into the People field to give it edit rights. Hit Send.

alt text

Finally copy the client_secret.json in the root of the project. client_secret.json

How to connect with Office 365 workbooks

We will need an AAD (Azure Active Directory) and register out application. Create one by using the azure.portal. Your Azure Active Directory ID can be found in Azure Portal > AAD Properties

Registering an OAuth App

More info https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-v1-add-azure-ad-app

Configuring App Permission

Now that we have created an app, we have to configure its permissions.


Finally create a file and name it azure.secret.json in the root folder of your project with the following values.

  "client_id": "XXXXXX",
  "client_secret": "YYYYYYY",
  "tenant_directory": "ZZZZZZZZ" // could be tenant directory name or id


Once you have the OAuth2 you should create the interaction.json. Create a new file on your skill root project ./interaction.json and paste the following snippet. Replace all the values you need.

Basic structure

  "platforms": ["alexa", "dialogFlow"],
  "spreadsheets": [
  "contentPath": "src/content",
  "viewsPath": "src/languageResources"

Local excel file

  "platforms": ["dialogflow", "alexa"],
  "spreadsheets": ["./vui/basic-interaction-model.xlsx"],
  "viewsPath": "./views/",
  "speechPath": "./speech-assets",
  "contentPath": "./content"

Google file

  "platforms": ["dialogflow", "alexa"],
  "spreadsheets": [
  "viewsPath": "./views/",
  "speechPath": "./speech-assets",
  "contentPath": "./content"

Finally execute it and voilà :flushed:

$ npx voxa interaction


spreadsheet samples

visit: https://voxaai.github.io/voxa-cli/